Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Islamic Lecture: Mufti Menk

Powerful message and Warning by Mufti Menk in this lecture on Deviationist Tendencies In Islamic Beliefs, Thoughts & Practices. Mufti menk explains why "Any Acts of worship that were not taught by Allah and his messenger (ﷺ) will not be accepted"


Mufti Ismail Menk of Zimbabwe commenced hifz at the tender age of nine years and completed at the age of twelve. He studied Arabic, Urdu and the Hanafi Mazhab from a young age with his father Maulana Musa Menk who graduated in Mazahirul Uloom Shahjahanpur under Hazrat Shaikh Maulana Zakaria (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) in the late 1950's.

Having studied the Hanafi Mazhab he then went on to study at the Islamic University of Madinah where he completed a degree in Shariah on the four Mazhabs. Thereafter he joined the Iftah (Mufti) department of Darul Uloom Kantaria in Gujarat, India where he graduated under Mufti Ismail Barkodrah at the end of 1999.

Ever since he has been actively engaged in teaching, lecturing country wide, running of Islamic educational institutes for the under privileged as well as the orphans, construction of Masajid and Madaris, relief work and coordinated dawaah country wide.

Lecture took place at the MIM LIVE in KL 2013. The lecture was at the Telekom Malaysia Convention Centre (TMCC), Jalan Pantai, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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