Sunday, July 14, 2013

Things that Break your Fast, (void Fast)

Ramadan: Rules of Fasting

1) Eating or drinking breaks the saum.

2) Sexual intercourse even if there is no emergence of semen.

3) Smoking

4) Inhaling smoke by one's own action.  E.g. inhaling the smoke of incense, etc.

5) Application of medication into the anus.

 6) Swallowing any substance or object which is not normally, consumed as food or medicine, e.g. pebbles, paper, a com, etc.

7) Pouring oil into the ear.

8)Saliva mingled with blood will break- the fast if the taste of blood is discernible when swallowing.

9) Eating deliberately after having eaten mistakenly. (Eating mistake does not break the fast).

10) Water slipping down the throat while making wudhu even if not done deliberately.

11) Deliberately inducing oneself to vomit will break- the fast if the vomit is a mouthful.  If the emergence of vomit cannot be
restrained, the vomit will be said to be a mouthful.  Vomiting less than a mouthful will not break the fast even if it is deliberately induced

12) A food particle the size of a chana (about the size of a half a pea), becoming unstuck from the teeth and slipping down the throat.

13) Applying drops of medicine into the nostrils.

14) Masturbation. In addition to it nullifying the saum.  It is an immoral and a sinful act. 
The perpetrator has been cursed by Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam).

15) Medical test undertaken by women in which any instrument, etc.  Is internally inserted.

16) Ejaculation as a result of caressing and fondling the wife even if there was no sexual intercourse.

And of course Allah knows Best, and and is the best Judge.

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